Updated website on January 17, 2024. For any questions, please contact email: dave@shijieguitars.com

Chiu Rock

 Age 13 Accoustic guitar / 16 E.Guitar hold bands
Bands exp : Survivior、ZigerS、Wanpaib、隨機應變、Yonfriends…
 1999年Taiwan South Area ROCK Alliance members
NSYSU SOUTH ROCK N ROLL Festival Host / Perform

Kauhsiung University Exhibit bands Perform /
Kauhsiung Chiky Charley New Years Eve Show / 
NSYSU Creation Competition Champion
NSYSU YMMC Electic guitar Instritutor
Kenmos Tech .LCD BLU Mechanism engineer
Trendchip BraodBand IC Design FAE engineer  

2014  Create Jock ROCK Studio
2015  Chang Jung Christian University Social Colleage Music Instritutor 
2016  Xinhua Chruch Social Colleage Music Instritutor
2017  Tainan POR / NOAH Instriment Store Guitar Instirtutor
2015~ Films Hundreds of YouTuebe Guitar Lesson video (about 4k subscribe)
2016~  Holded more than 30 Electirc guitar Lectures 
2017   Be invited from Taipei Jack to join show of 
“ Rocker behind the keyboard Perform “
2021   Be invited as Co-Artist of Shijie Guitar